You're never too young to get involved with your local church!


There are lots of parent and toddler groups, creches, and family ministries happening across the Diocese of Down and Dromore. Use this map find out what’s happening near you, or contact Millie (millie@downanddromore.org) to hear more about what’s happening in your local area.

Resources for making contact with local families

As well as organising events to help families get more involved with church life there are also other opportunities for your parish in making better contact with families in the local community.

Ideas, resources and advice are available to help your parish make better contact with families through websites, brochures and church signage.

Contact andrew@downanddromore.org or 07950 846621

Many Christian families struggle to teach the Christian faith at home in the context of all the other demands on their time and energy. The ‘Family Time’ devotional resource is intended to help families learn prayers, life lessons and faith at home with simple, easy-to-use and fun activities and talks. It is intended as a gift resource for families and so parishes are provided with free copies that can be given away for free.

Family Devotions

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children.

Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up’. Deuteronomy 6:5-7


Many Christian families struggle to teach the Christian faith at home in the context of all the other demands on their time and energy. The ‘Family Time’ devotional resource is intended to help families learn prayers, life lessons and faith at home with simple, easy-to-use and fun activities and talks. It is intended as a gift resource for families and so parishes are provided with free copies that can be given away for free.