
We have a number of resources available for parishes, leaders, and young people

  • Family Time

    The experiences and beliefs we want our children to have don’t just happen! It’s hard work. They demand our time and energy. The ‘Family Time’ devotional resource is intended to help families learn prayers, life lessons and faith at home with simple, easy-to-use and fun activities and talks.

  • Jigsaw

    The JIGSAW curriculum has been designed by DDYC for Sunday Schools and is a resource that aims to support leaders to grow their children’s faith in Sunday Schools through the key areas of teaching, prayer and memory verses. Jigsaw –connecting God’s big picture, contains the complete material for a full year of Sunday school and is especially designed for a parish context.

  • Jesus Sessions

    The Jesus Sessions is an 8–part introduction to the life and ministry of Jesus. It has been developed for use with secondary school young people and suits a variety of settings, from youth church to youth groups and small groups. The resource is flexible and can be adapted to suit your needs. 

  • Toddler/Crèche Resources

    Thinking of starting a parent and toddler group in your parish? Or perhaps you have pre-school children attending your Sunday service and want to know how to keep them engaged? Well, DDYC have produced the perfect resource for you: two booklets containing all of the information that you might need for starting up a parent and toddler group or a creche in your parish.

  • Christianity Explored

    In October 2024, we were delighted to have Jubi De Silva over from Christianity Explored to deliver training on using it. If you are looking for a ready made resource to use with a youth group, or discipleship group then this might be it. With talks, games and videos all there to lift it is easy to use.

  • Family Worship

    Want to use an actions worship song in your Sunday service but can’t figure out how to download them? Perhaps you’d like some family praise in your Messy Church but you can’t decide which video to use. We’re here to help! We have a selection of worship videos created by the diocese, meaning they’re free to download and use. Get in touch and we’ll share the dropbox link, so you can choose whichever songs suit your service the best.

  • YF Resources

    Perhaps you are looking to start a YF Programme and don’t know where to start. Perhaps you have a group of young people but have no idea what you’ll do with them. Well, DDYC have ready made resources for you to use.

  • Games Resource

    When working with children and young people it can be difficult to know what games will we play this week. Well, DDYC has a resource that is designed with that in mind.