What’s Happening?

With over 110 parishes in our Diocese, there’s lots going on near you. Find out what’s happening in your area and check out our Eventbrite for training and events…

Toddler Groups

There are a number of toddler groups running in the diocese. A toddler group is an informal gathering for preschool children/babies and their parents/carers.

Most toddler groups only run during the term time. To find out more information about a group, contact the parish directly or contact Millie for more details.

Sunday Evening Services

There are many reasons for attending a church service in the evening. Perhaps it better suits your working schedule, or maybe you’d like to attend church twice in a day. Whatever your reasoning, there are a number of Sunday Evening Services running across the Diocese of Down and Dromore.

To find out more information about a particular evening service, contact the parish directly or contact Josh for more details.